Blurb: When Alexa took a job in Ireland searching for the lost O'Shea treasure, she had no idea what she signing up for. Between vivid dreams, ghosts, and the old Irish legend that surrounds the castle, she is overwhelmed.When she finds out the man she's been working so closely with is actually the heir to the O'Shea fortune, she is upset that once again a man has surrounded her with lies. Their relationship is further tested when a friend from the United States comes for a visit and Liam believes she's been telling her own tales.Will their love prevail? Will Alexa find the missing treasure and discover her heart's desire?
Kelly was raised by loving grandparents in a small house across the street from a dairy farm. As a child she spent a lot of time daydreaming or playing pretend. She was always in good spirits and surrounded by friends.
As a teenager, Kelly began writing poetry and used it as a way to document the things she was going through in her life. Her senior year in high school she had a poem published as part of a compilation book she regrets she never purchased.
When asked what her favorite subject was in school, Kelly will tell you English class. Though she wasn’t fond of researching and writing lengthy reports, she loved getting the chance to put together short stories and fiction pieces.
It wasn’t until her late twenties that she began taking her writing seriously. Through a friend she met online, she was introduced to a website where she could post her work and receive votes and comment on it from strangers. After obtaining a nice amount of good feedback on her posts, she was determined to complete a story and get it published, and she did! Kelly is not only a writer, but also a wife and mother of three. When she’s not working at the Hallmark store she helps manage or putting her fingers to work on the keyboard, you might find her dancing around the house, singing karaoke online, or spending quality time doing silly things with her children.
Now for the interview!
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? I think writing has always been a big part of my life. In high school it was poetry and horror stories, but I never really did anything with it. I put away the notebooks and became an adult. Then after meeting a few new friends online, especially Robin, I was able to start taking my story telling more seriously. I joined a writing site called Textnovel and posted some of my work, and after receiving pretty decent feedback, decided to get back in the game.
How long does it take you to write a book? It really depends what I'm trying to accomplish. Short stories can take a few days to a month depending on length requirements and the flow of the story. A novel length usually takes me 3-4 months to complete the first draft.
What is your work schedule like when you're writing? My husband works second shift so I typically have from 8-11:30 each evening, after the kids are tucked away in bed, to write. Once school starts next week I will also have Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings all to myself to write away.
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? I get ideas from all over the place. They can come to me from something as simple as watching people at the mall I work in, or hearing a conversation in an aisle at the grocery story. Sometimes I dream up stuff that sticks with me, and other times I really have to work hard to get an idea to surface.
What do you like to do when you're not writing? When I'm not writing, I like to be outside. I love the outdoors, hiking, fishing, swimming, biking, anything active. I get stir crazy in the winter months when its so cold outside you turn into a Popsicle. Though I like to sled and snow tube and build snowmen and the such during the snowy season. I like to sing and take photographs.
What does your family think of your writing? My family is very supportive of my writing, my sisters especially. I will call them up and be like hey listen to this chapter and tell me what you think. They're good at telling their friends what I do and to buy my stuff. Its nice to feel the love.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? I have three books in circulation now and two short stories on the way this fall/winter. My favorite book so far is Forbidden Desires because its not your typical love story, and it was such a challenge to write.
Do you like to create books for adults? I definitely like writing for adults. I'm not a children's book kind of girl, and though I love to read young adult, don't feel I could write it. I need my sex in there.
Which of your characters is your favorite? My favorite character so far was Marilyn from The Legacy Keeper's Treasure. She's the friend every woman needs to have.
Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing? I do read my reviews. Good or bad, they help me grow as a writer. It's an easy way to find out what I'm doing right and maybe what I need to change.
Are you anything like your heroines or heroes? I put pieces of me into each one of my heroines. It might be something I say all the time or a habit I have or even one of my own personality traits. I like connecting with my characters.
Where can readers find you (What websites, emails etc)? Readers cam find my blog at and they can find my website at or even on facebook as Kelly Yeakle
Favorite dessert? If I can only choose one then I would say chocolate covered fruit
Favorite way to relax? Curl up with a good book
What TV shows do you watch? I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I get the moment to have it on in the background usually Jersey Shore, True Blood, and Army Wives
Tell us five things about you, that we wouldn't know. I'm barely five feet tall. I have body piercings and tattoos. I love Hello Kitty. I'm an Aquarius. And green is my favorite color :)
Where can we find your book(s)? You can find my books at, htttp://, and on Amazon.