Info for Reviews

Currently not taking on anymore reviews.  Will let everyone know once I am. Thanks.

Thank you for deciding to send me your book(s) for review.  

  1. I promise to give a honest opinion (remember that it is only that, just an opinion) of your book(s). 
  2. The book(s) that you send me are safe with me and the copyright will never be violated.  
  3. I promise to let you know when I have started reading your book and when the review is done to let you know when it will be on the site.
  4. I accept all Romance genres with the exception of Christian Romance and/or Sweet Romance (meaning, no sex within the pages).  So in saying that, yes I accept Erotica, Dark Erotica, GLBT.
  5. In addition to reviewing on my blog, I also post on and under the name Ebony Dreams.
  6. Please send your book in epub or adobe format.
Please send the following information to: if your interested in me reviewing your book(s).

•               Title
•               Author
•               Genre
•               Word Count
•               Publisher
•               Publication Date (month and year)
•               Review copy format: ebook or print book
•               Summary